Sunday, January 31, 2016

I Cook. Sometimes.

Since I'm on my own, I don't do a lot of cooking.  But sometimes.
Yesterday I had these left-over spinach ravioli.

They are from the Monterey Gourmet Food company.

So I chopped or sliced these things: orange bell pepper, carrot, celery, onion, garlic and lacinato kale.

I sauteed them until almost soft. Then I added:

and, voila

Cooked until heated through with a bit of seasoning like basil and a bay leaf etc.

Then I added the ravioli, but didn't take a photo. And when I did remember to take another picture I had already grated cheese over half the recipe.  

This goes to show I'm not good at photo journaling, but I maybe an okay cook.

For anyone who may be disappointed there is nothing about sewing today,  I just returned from Tucson where I visited SAS Fabrics

Although I didn't buy anything here (hard but not impossible) I did say I wish there was a SAS Fabrics in Sacramento or Folsom.

Bye for now.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Show me the way to go home
I'm tired and I want to go to bed
I had a little drink about an hour ago
And it went right to my head
No matter where I roam
Or land, or sea and foam
You can always hear me singing this song
Show me the way to go home.
(written by Campbell and Connelly in 1925)

Picture a slender, sliver-haired man sitting at the head of a dinner table encircled by family.  He is playing his banjo and singing this song.  Can't see it?  I can and I can hear him and I miss him.

My dad.

Dad also recited this following poem on occasion.

I never saw a purple cow
I never hope to see one
But I can tell you anyhow
I'd rather see than be one.
(Gelett Burgess)

My father was born in Boston, the oldest of four.  This was 1908.  I'm sorry to say I don't know very much about his childhood.  I am so sorry I never asked.  I'm sure he would have told me.  He did tell me once about taking the streetcar to get a haircut.  Somehow he lost the money,  I can't remember what happened, but I remember it was Dad's fault.  He had to go home and tell his dad he lost it.  That was very hard to do.  I expect he learned his lesson.  He also told me about playing ice hockey at recess.  This was fascinating for me, a California girl, who could only ice skate at a rink.

My dad attended Boston Latin School.  He believed Latin should be required in high school.  My sister had to take Latin as it was offered when she was high school age.  It was no longer taught when I got there.   I think I was relieved.  (I did take 4 years of Spanish and 2 of French.) 

That's really all I know of Dad's childhood.  It's pitiful.  I can't go back and undo that.  Please if you don't know much about your parents' childhoods.  Ask them to tell you.  Someday you will wish you had.

My dad in 1933.  What a handsome man.  That is my sister Patricia in his arms. This was before the silver hair, of course.

My dad in 1980.  He passed away in Feb. 1981.  See the silver hair?  This was my parents' 50th wedding anniversary. We are 
(L-R) Katherine, Allan, Patricia, Wilma (my mom) and me.

Just a memory today.

Here is a version of Show Me the Way to Go Home I found on YouTube.  Quite different from Dad and his banjo.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Doggie Christmas Presents

As promised yesterday, here are some dog presents.  Don't get too excited because they are all the same thing only different fabric.  I am putting them on in the order in which I made them. 

For Lady D. who lives in a faraway state with my son and his wife.

Joann had a big sale on flannel right before Christmas.  So there are dogs on one side; a solid aqua on the other. 

It is about 42" sq. and tied with pearl cotton in orange.

This is Lady D though a bit blurry.  I don't have a photo of her on her gift. Maybe soon.

Sacramento granddogs next. 

So we have black and white paws on one side and black and white bones on the other. Good for a white dog, yes?

Yes!  And Sonny knows how to pose.

Last but by no means least is George's blanket.

To be similar to his brother, we have brown and white paws. And to be his own; pale green with brown and white dots.

And here's Georgie!!  He's cuddling to his new blanket.  He likes it in his crate with him.

He's here because he likes it. He is not in trouble.

Perhaps you may wonder (are you wondering?) what of Sophie? Did she get a blanket?  Perhaps she got a warm sweater?  Perhaps special Christmas dinner treat?  Nope.  She got no Christmas gifts from her mom at all.  She got some liver treats from Elizabeth and she loves them.

Sophie does know how to stay warm, however. Please note:

She is a champion heater hog!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Another Year is Here

Happy New Year to all.  Isn't it exciting?  So much potential.  

The following photos are of the Christmas items I made.  I wanted to share earlier around mid December, but I didn't want to give any secrets away.

I tried hard to align the plaid, but here at the seam where the back yoke connects to the back  I didn't manage it.

My first time making a placket in a sleeve.  This flannel is very heavy.  I ended up using a walking foot.

Finished and received.   I love this son of mine.

I bought this stretchy rib knit to make this same son a sweater.  You see, I was planning to knit one for him, but I kind of gave up knitting.  So when I saw this pattern from Thread Theory Designs I decided to sew a sweater.  Morgan Meredith there also gave me wonderful suggestions for places to buy sweater knits.   If you like sewing for men do visit this site.  So very helpful.  There was even a sew-along for the Finlayson Sweater which is what I made.

Wonderful to see him in his sweater.  He lives 2000 miles away from me.

I made aprons for my girls.  I started with my daughter-in-law as she lives farthest and so had to mail early.

The 30's reproduction fabric has bunnies sailing in leaf boats.  Also I made the bias binding using one of those binding makers I borrowed from a friend.  Then I promptly went out and bought some for myself.

My oldest daughter wanted a holiday apron,  'a different holiday'.

So she has a reversible St. Patrick's Day apron.

The other side.

Younger daughter was wanting a Christmas apron

So hers is also reversible.  Candies on one side and . . .

decorative reindeer on the other.

I will close for now. Tomorrow, if you choose to return, I'll share the sewing that was done for my three granddogs.  It was lots of fun sewing for Christmas.  I want to do it again next year.