Monday, May 23, 2016

Today It's a Photo Thing

Today I'm posting photos I love. Some I have taken, some others took, some found online.  No particular theme.


Cyclist in the mist*

         The Moon by Alphonse Mucha*

Beach View on         Cozumel

At West Coast Falconry, learning about birds of

1961 Clark Family
reunion in Antlers, OK

My grandmother is in the center with a corsage.

My grandson recording evidence from the mock crime scene at the Crime Scene Investigation program we took together.

Bison Beside the Road

I was playing with an app on my phone.

Last but not least, nurses having a roaring good time white water rafting. * (The man in the white cap is the guide, not a nurse)

I am the nurse in the front left.
*Photos taken by others/from internet.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Satchels again

I'm changing my satchel a bit by not using Velcro as fasteners.

The original call for a strip of it on the flap that closes the top of the bag and strips on either side to shape the bag, but open up for more room inside.

You can see the strip on the flap here. Also you can see how the sides of the bag are folded in, the Velcro strips hold the folds in place.

On this one you can see how the bag tapers up from the bottom.  You can see a button on the flap for decoration, but there's a Velcro strip actually doing the work.

So on my newest bag I did this:

I sewed a piece of elastic cord into the flap and then added the button for the closure.  No Velcro.

And this:

Magnetic snaps.

Pretty nifty.

More photos of new bag.


One of these days I will show my own bag filled to the brim for a weekend away.  You will then see how large it is.

I am rejoicing today because my dear cousin has come home from hospital .  So thankful.

Monday, May 9, 2016

I Can't Believe

I went all through April without posting even once.  What kind of blogger am I anyway?  And yet some people view my blog.  Who are they?  Perhaps they are people just passing through.

Here's what's new.

I went to CNCH, but by the time I arrived in Modesto about 2:30 PM  all of the handmade items which the committee hung out were gone.  Tags had been put on them stating that if someone was cold they were welcome to take one. Apparently there were many cold people that morning.  It would have been nice to see the items on display, but alas it didn't happen for me.

I took 2 classes. One was on weaving with hand spun yarn and this is what I made.

I spun this.

This one small piece I wove.  The large yellow yarn was handwoven by my friend, Pam. I like the contrast.

My other class was an illuminated bookmark.  I will show you the lighted and unlighted photos.  My actual weaving is not so good, but the illumination is fun.

I bought a stand for my rigid heddle loom and here's the bookmark in progress as I didn't finish it in class.

Here is the bookmark finished but not lit. At the top is a small pouch for holding the battery.  As you can see I didn't get my led lights very even.

Da dah! It works.  Pretty cool, eh?

While at CNCH  I bought some bright 5/2 cotton with which to weave a towel or two to match my decor.   Again, my weaving was not without errors. Photo 1: errors in plain view 2: errors hidden  3: the towel looking good ( at a distance ) in my house.

A couple of posts ago I showed photos on another sleepover satchel I made.  I had the manager of the state park gift shop look at it and she thought they could sell it.  Here is a photo of it hanging in the shop with it's tag on.

I have made 2 more satchels since this one.  I will do a post on them soon.  And perhaps other interesting things, like clouds.

Have you ever heard of a horseshoe vortex cloud?  It's a new one for me.  I will post a photo soon, not taken by me.

Come back.