Passing through? I can hardly believe it's been ten days since my last post. Yikes! For those of you who may be checking on my progress in my challenge, thank you. Come back in January, please. I think finishing the unfinished items in my home will be my first and perhaps only New Year's resolution.
For everyone: there are only two weeks until the costumes for the show have to been done. Last Saturday, the costume queen and I went to Mad Hatter Costumes in Auburn, California. (There isn't a web site or I would have linked it.) We were there about 3 hours. No, I mean that. Here are a couple of photos.
The wig and checkout counter.
This was one of the smaller rooms, but they were all stuffed full like this.
The back of my car full of costumes including shoes and hats.
More of the same. Hoho.
The costume queen trying on a potential outfit for Mme. Thenardier when she goes to the wedding.
For those of you who wonder why the centering of captions under my photos is so off-center, I can say this. When I type them out they are centered, when it publishes this is what you get.. That's my bit of rant for now.
After the costume shop, we went to the Salvation Army Thrift Shop. I saw this wonderful chair. I did not buy it. Isn't it grand?
And it is comfortable too. I have a friend with a Victorian house and a love of dragonflies. She may drive up there and get it. Go, Jill.
Though I have been sewing and sewing and sewing, I have failed to take any more photos of what I've made before taking them to the theatre. Why don't you come see the show in December? It'll be worth it just to see the costumes. It's only $15 unless you want to come to the gala premiere on November 23. Then it's $75, but you get a wonderful array of appetizers and wine before the show. Then at intermission there will be fabulous desserts and coffee. But best of all, you will be greeted by Victor Hugo himself.
Before closing I have a little tip for those of you who might be trying to do a bit more exercise.
Happy days.