Just before dawn. Waiting on the dock. Waiting to be assigned a position. What a lovely start to the day.
Notice how choppy the water is? That was Tuesday with all the wind. Today the water was smooth, but I was too busy rowing. seat 2 in the bow, to get a photo. But I did take one after we got ashore.
We carried it out in the dark, but thank goodness it was light when we had to put it back. You should see us lifting it out of the river. Maybe I can get a photo of that on Saturday.
My class is a mixed group. Young working people and retirees, fit folks getting fitter and not so fit and chubby,. ( This would be me.) Our instructor is wonderful, informative, caring, and positive.
THE CHALLENGE: I have been working on my knitting and sewing projects this week and making progress. I'll have the scrub top done by next post and I've already picked out which one to do next. The knit hoodie will easily take me the full month to finish.
Here are a couple of finished items from my past so you can see that I do get things done.
Going to church on Easter in their "Little House on the Prairie" dresses. I used a Hollie Hobbie pattern which had a knee-length or long version. I just shortened the long one to make it more like Laura's and Mary's.
Ninja Boy AKA my grandson. His mom is the little one in yellow above. Making costumes is lots of fun. That's one of the reasons I volunteered to help at the theatre.

I love to knit socks. Here's a pair knitted with Noro Kureyon. I am mad about this yarn How I love hand knit socks, the fit is excellent and they look so cool when wearing Birkenstocks.
I close for this time, but I will be back. To quote a song from Heart, "That's a promise and a threat." Bye
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