Aack! Is she still talking about that show? Where's the challenge?
I heard that. I know, I promised and it will happen. Believe me. So, at the strike I volunteered to take home some of the costumes for wash and repair. Thankfully there were only a few minor repairs, but oh, the washing.

This is my car loaded with some of the bags of costumes I brought home. I'd already done the aprons.
Clean costumes on the loom. Shirts, aprons and bloomers.
On the loveseat.
Lots of burgundy and gold gloves from the wedding scene.
Is there a loom there? And what's that on the chair? Cindy's huge nightdress. It is so big she couldn't find her way out.
And ta-dah! My whole living room full of clean stuff. Except the dog. See the video tour.
And the loom has completely disappeared.
Next time, the red blouse returns for it's final performance.
WOW! That's a lot of laundry!