After I was married and had 3 kids, I wanted another bun. I decided that the next time someone was giving away rabbits in front of K Mart I would get one. I got two. Michaela and Sweet Bun. Sweet Bun was not sweet. Who knew that rabbits could growl? I'm sorry to say that I have no photos of Wimpy, Michaela or Sweet Bun. There maybe some in my archives, but I don't know where the archives are.
You know about Pinterest, yes? I discovered some bunnies on there. Here is one:
Here is a link to the artist's Etsy page. She does all types of animals, well this is also a rabbit, but look around you'll see some beautiful work.
I then fell in love with this little guy from Fresh Tracks also on Etsy. and maybe a year later I had to buy him. And here is skiing across the kitchen counter.
This is Jean Louis. He is from France, made by an artist named Catherine. There are other bunnies from Catherine.
This little guy is a librarian bun. He lives on the desk at the Cochise College library. He pals around with my daughter, Alex, who is the technologies librarian.
See his little backpack? His map? This is a hiking bunny. He's gone to live at a friend's house. A hiking friend.
Le lapin blanc
The White Rabbit
This one lives with Sarah, who played the White Rabbit in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
Here she is.
Buns are also wonderful on calendars.
Ooh la la.
And on the bottoms of bowls.
See it?
And inside beautiful bake ware by Alex.
In literature there are two favorite buns.
The Velveteen Rabbit and
Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail and Peter Rabbit.
I will hop on my way now and be back another day. I am thankful for buns.
And on the bottoms of bowls.
See it?
And inside beautiful bake ware by Alex.
In literature there are two favorite buns.
The Velveteen Rabbit and
Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail and Peter Rabbit.
I will hop on my way now and be back another day. I am thankful for buns.
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