If I take one at the time the reminder goes off, it often looks like this.
June 6
September 19
November 12
Many times the pictures were taken first thing in the morning. Looking out of windows or on a walk. I love morning.
November 8
August 3
August 3
Often as not there will be photos of my pets. Sophie, Zeke, Zorro and Eddie. They live with me an so are always available for pics.
June 5
October 17
September 7
My thought was to do this for one year and then print them out in wallet size and make an album. Recently I printed out some.
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any album pages for 2x3 size photos. I didn't want to the paste them in or use photo corners because I want to make a note of the date and a little description on the back. It's been fun and funny and interesting.
We're having stormy weather this weekend, but it's a good thing. California needs rain. This morning there was a lovely sky.
"For the beauty for the earth, for the glory of the skies, for the love which from our birth, over and around us lies;
Lord of all, to thee we raise, this our hymn of grateful praise."
F.S. Pierpont
You could try trading card sleeve inserts for binders. They might be the right size for wallet size photos.