Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Always Remember

Always remember:   You are important
                                Someone loves you
                                Someone always knows where you are
                                There is something to look forward to
                                The past is done, learn from it, but . . .
                                 Don't live in the past
                                 It's free to be kind and there are rewards
                                 The Lord is near.

Just some random photos of mine.  They make me happy.  All were taken by me, except the second one.  I cannot remember where I got it, but I love the ceiling art.  The first and last are of items I did. The third is titled "Coffee Table Still Life."
Now look again at the 4th.
Take joy and spread it around.

These are the smallest orchids I have ever seen. 
I'm spreading joy here.

Saturday, January 6, 2018


No. I am not speaking of food or anatomy.  It's bunnies.  I know it's not Easter.  I love buns all the time, not just in spring.   When I was very small, yes, it was Easter, the Easter Bunny brought me a rabbit.  It's odd because he already had a name, my little self thought I should name him.  He was called Wimpy.  I had him for a long time.

 After I was married and had 3 kids,  I wanted another bun.  I decided that the next time someone was giving away rabbits in front of K Mart  I would get one.  I got two.  Michaela and  Sweet Bun.  Sweet Bun was not sweet.  Who knew that  rabbits could growl? I'm sorry to say that I have no photos of Wimpy, Michaela or Sweet Bun.  There maybe some in my archives, but I don't know where the archives are.

You know about Pinterest, yes?  I discovered some bunnies on there. Here is one:
Here is a link to the artist's Etsy page.  She does all types of animals, well this is also a rabbit, but look around you'll see some beautiful work.

I then fell in love with this little guy from Fresh Tracks also on Etsy.  and maybe a year later I had to buy him. And here is skiing across the kitchen counter.

This is Jean Louis.  He is from France, made by an artist named Catherine.  There are other bunnies from Catherine.

This little guy is a librarian bun.  He lives on the desk at the Cochise College library.  He pals around with my daughter, Alex, who is the technologies librarian.

See his little backpack? His map?  This is a hiking bunny.  He's gone to live at a friend's house.  A hiking friend.

Le lapin blanc
The White Rabbit
This one lives with Sarah, who played the White Rabbit in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Here she is.

Buns are also wonderful on calendars.

Ooh la la.

And on the bottoms of bowls.

See it?

And inside beautiful bake ware by Alex.

In literature there are two favorite buns.

The Velveteen Rabbit and

Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail and Peter Rabbit.

I will hop on my way now and be back another day. I am thankful for buns.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

A Cat Story of Two Cats

This is Eddie aka Edward P. Cat

This is Teddy aka Theodore H. Cat
Just recently he may have temporarily decided to be called Rocco.  I do not expect this will last.

Back in September,  my dear Eddie died unexpectedly.  I cannot write about it at all.  However just over a month after Eddie's death I was thinking how there was this hole in my house where another cat should be and my daughter sends me a photo of Ted, a stray at the shelter  who was not doing well.  He was withdrawn and he was failing to groom himself.

My daughter who is a shelter volunteer brought him home to her house where he resided under a futon in the spare room,  He was frightened.

I saw him and I said, "That's my cat."

Elizabeth with Theodore

A couple of weeks later, he was hiding out in my spare room.

He soon began to groom himself, boss my dog, Sophie, around and do some exploring.  He's a real part of the family now. 

I want to thank Elizabeth, for her tender heart.  She has a houseful of pets including two rescue dogs, but she found a spot of Theodore and by doing so helped me fill a spot in my home that only Teddy could fill.

I'm going to also thank the Lord for animals, all types.  What a world of wonder, education, help and love we get from them.  Thank you, God.

My Eddie

My good cat, Eddie, we had many silly and happy times.  I will always remember the way he gently touched my cheek with his paw.

Thank you, Lord, for Eddie.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Oh No Sorry

Well, my 30 day challenge started off very well.  But then the holidays and my old nature happened.  So  I am going to restart it soon.  I'll let you know, if you care.  It's fine if you don't.

Confession time.  I love Austin Kleon.  Well, in a way, not like a sweetie nor like a son.  Like someone I might like to have as a good friend.  He listens to good music, reads interesting things, writes a good blog, tells anecdotes sort of.  He's interesting.  Yep, that's it.     His blog

Certainly I am not the writer he is, but  I like writing.  I love to make people laugh, but I don't know how to do that on paper, or computer.  People have told me I'm funny even my kids have said so.  Keep in mind my kids are adults so I think that when they say " You're funny, mom."   It's quite different from a teenager saying, " You're weird."  If I am funny and/or weird, I pray it's the good kind.

Poems:            The rain comes quietly but
                        Awakens a sleeping frog

It is rainwater
Dropping on a stone path
Splashing my boots    

I thought they were 'haikus', but they may not be such.  They are, however, about rain and are by me.

Another               Not about rain

Clouds reflected in the 
Window of a red house.
Early morn