Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Putting It Off a Little Longer

Procrastination.  If you look this up in the dictionary, you might find my picture there.  Here is an online definition, no photo available.  I contend that not all procrastinators do it purposefully. Sometimes they just keep doing something else until it's bedtime and then realize they didn't do "that something" they were supposed to do. I believe I, er, they are busy perhaps, Very busy, doing anything else.
This photo has nothing to do with the post.

What's she going on about? Why is she talking about this?  Perhaps you will get it, if I mention the title of this post.   Oh, there you go. You're right I am definitely 'putting it off a little longer'.

 This photo has nothing to do with the post either.

Perhaps you are wondering what it is she's putting off?  Perhaps you don't give  a fig what it is.  That's okay.  However I do have a deadline. Definition #1  is how I feel, but #2 is the correct one for this situation.  I have the actual deadline and I have the one I set for myself.  Sunday for me, Wednesday (July 4) for sure.

This bunny is not procrastinating.

Dear Anyone who might be reading this, may I just add that I don't want to do it (oh, yes I do), but I want it to be already done. (oh yes I do).  Is it done? No.  How shall I get it done?  You know, don't you?  You have to start it before you can finish it.  I'll just repeat that a bit louder.
You have to start it before you can finish it.

This photo has everything to do with this post.

Perhaps you may hear more on this subject in future

Photos #2 and 4 are from the internet.


5 July 

It is finished. Completed this morning at 0630.
Thank you, Lord.


  1. Words to live by, you have to start it before you can finish it. I feel motivated to start and/or finish something now.

    1. Good deal. I got up and started, but I still need to finish.
