Sunday, February 8, 2015

Another Thing I Do

Last year on 4 June 2014, I started taking and recording "A Photo a Day".  So easy to do with a camera phone. Except do you remember you were going to do it?  Not always until . . . you put a reminder in your phone.  Every day my phone tinkles a reminder at 1645. Often I've already taken one, but if I haven't, I take one wherever I happen to be.  If I forget entirely, this is what goes into the spot where the day's photo should be. 

If I take one at the time the reminder goes off, it often looks like this.
June 6


September 19


November 12

Many times the pictures were taken first thing in the morning. Looking out of windows or on a walk.  I love morning.

November 8

August 3

Often as not there will be photos of my pets. Sophie, Zeke, Zorro and Eddie.  They live with me an so are always available for pics.

June 5

October 17

September 7

My thought was to do this for one year and then print them out in wallet size and make an album.  Recently I printed out some.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any album pages for 2x3 size photos.  I didn't want to the paste them in or use photo corners because I want to make a note of the date and a little description on the back.  It's been fun and funny and interesting.

We're having stormy weather this weekend, but it's a good thing. California needs rain.  This morning there was a lovely sky.

"For the beauty for the earth, for the glory of the skies, for the love which from our birth, over and around us lies;
Lord of all, to thee we raise, this our hymn of grateful praise."

F.S. Pierpont

1 comment:

  1. You could try trading card sleeve inserts for binders. They might be the right size for wallet size photos.
