Monday, December 11, 2017

Do One Thing Every Day

What do you like to do?   It's entirely possible that you like to do more than one thing.  Do you do the things you like to do or do you just think about them?  Say  " Boy, I sure would like to write a blog."  Or, maybe it's, "I sure would like to finish  those projects I have started."

It's possible you may find yourself reading a variety of blogs rather than writing one.  Perhaps starting a new project is more fun than finishing that one from last year.   But as the day ends, you realized you didn't really do a blog post or work on a UFO.   Maybe you are busy with a job, young kids, teens (or both) pets, volunteering and are tired at the end of the day.

Years ago when I was a nursing student, 1990's,  I worked very hard at that and also did my housework (sort of) and mothering.  There was so much reading, learning medications, diagnoses, signs and symptoms, that I just didn't do much else.  A couple of years later when I returned to nursing school to get my RN, I decided I couldn't do without reading something other than text books. My plan was to read 5 minutes a day at bedtime something non-medical.

I did that no matter how late it was, after all it was only 5 minutes.
It made all the difference in my year.  My mind relished in the joy of poetry, a mystery or biography.

So have decided to try to do things every day for 30 days. Go outside and move about (sitting outside not included) for 10 minutes and write for 10 minutes, poetry, letters, journal and/or blog post.  I keep 3 journals, computer, handwritten and recorded.
So any of the three qualify.

I'll write a post about my efforts in 31 days.  Ya'll come back and see what happens.  

I got this idea awhile ago from an article from somewhere in which I have written "from Cyndi's blog lipstick jungle".  Today have searched for this so I can give her credit, but I couldn't find it anywhere.  In the article she mentions, Austin Kleon, whose blog I did find.   He mentions the 30 day goal so here is a link to that.       

Besides this post from November 1, 2017, he has other interesting things to day.  He is a writer who also does art.

I will leave you today with a beautiful photo of a cloud.  I hope it's one I've not already posted.

My Pink Cloud

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