Friday, July 26, 2013


As I started to work on Sewing Project #2, I realized that the pattern I posted here was not actually the one I cut out for this red blouse.  So here is the correct one.  Again my close-up photos are not very clear.

I'm making the short-sleeved top like the two in front, but no skirt or slacks.

I have also been sewing for the theatre as I mention.  Doing repair work, taking out old stitching and making some cravats.  You know in the early 1800's in France men wore cravats rather than ties.    The costume coordinator plans to have some group sewing days. We'll see what happens.

Brocade and satin cravats, white breeches, a ruffled shirt and other such things. Enough for now.

And what about the garden? Garden? Yes, just a couple of photos.  It's because veggies and flowers are so wonderful.

A hellebore.

A daylily

My first bell pepper.

My raised bed all fenced in and veggies growing.

Thank you for visiting.  Please come again.  You never know what might be waiting.


  1. Looking good. Where's Sophie's picture?

  2. Hummmmm. Anonymous, I think you might be someone I know. How else would you know about my little bundle of energy? Look for her to show up here soon.
