Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Confession

A good Saturday morning to you.  It's good in spite of my having to make a confession.  Although I have been knitting daily on my Knitting Project #1, I haven't done very much at all on my Sewing Project #2 since my last post.  There it is. My goal of a sewing project a week has stalled in the 2nd week.  NEVER fear!  I am determined to do these remaining 66 projects in 15 months.

My friend, Helen, has taken possession of the Valentine scrub top and in February, I expect to see a photo of them both.  

Have you ever heard of the Cloud Appreciation Society?  No, really, there is one.  There are members from all over the world. It was started by a British man. I've belonged for about a year.  Once in awhile they send an email.  In it there are beautiful photos of clouds.  Here are some from them and then I'm adding some of my own.

This is a very cool fish cloud.  I didn't take this. I don't know who did. It's from the CAS.

Fire breathing cloud dragon?  Again not mine. I wish I could give the photographers credit, but I don't know who they are.

This is one I took.  I call it 'Cloud with a Claw". Can you think of a better name?

From my window, early morning with some vapor trails.  What a gift from God!

And here is one more.  I took this one on a recent trip with my grandson to Oregon.  This is near Astoria, a bit south.  When I look at it, I think of how clouds are so immense that they make the huge rocks and cliffs look tiny.

Have a lovely weekend.  More about 'finishing the unfinished' next time. Ci vediamo presto. (See you soon.)

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